Choose the right type of cardio exercise


If you’re unable to do it easily, then it’s more likely that you won’t do it at all. This is why it’s important to make it an easy habit.


This means that you shouldn’t make it a rule that you have to do it at certain times of the day, or that you have to do it for certain lengths of time. Simply make it an easy habit to do something, and you’ll be much more likely to do it regularly. 

A great way to ensure that you’re able to do cardio that works for you is to make sure that you’re able to do it without any equipment. If you’re not able to do it with the equipment, then you won’t be able to do it as efficiently.


Choose the right cardio exercise


If you’re not sure which type of cardio exercise

will work best for you, try doing some basic exercises like pushups, situps, planks, and squats first. These exercises will give you a good idea of which type of cardio works for you and for how long.


Don’t overdo it


Overdoing it is the opposite of doing things properly. An overstretched muscle is not able to generate as much force as an underused muscle.


This means that when you overdo it, you’re hurting yourself. One way to avoid overstraining yourself? Try to do cardio for shorter periods, and with less intensity. Doing 30 minutes of intense cardio daily will most likely burn you out, whereas doing 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio will leave you with energy to kickstart your day.




Cardio can help you get in shape, lose weight, and feel good. To do this successfully, you’ll want to do it the right way. To get the most out of your cardio exercise, follow these tips: 


  • Make sure you’re able to do it without any equipment.

  • Choose the right type of cardio exercise.

  • Make it an easy habit.

  • Don’t overdo it.

  • And most importantly, have fun doing it.


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